Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Coming Age Meditation

Just Do 100 SADHANA Level 1 Centa Zone

  • Transcend yourself to next level in 1st Sadhana (Meditation).
  • Simple, Supersonic and Speedy Sadhana.
  • Set your soul FREE for spiritual advancement.
  • Burn your Karma of ONE life in ONE Sadhana which resulting changes in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state.
  • Experience TRUE inner peace, tranquillity and simplicity.
  • ATTUNEMENT with self and universe.
  • ENERGY ENHANCEMENT – activate uninterrupted inner spring of energy.
  • Mystical Majesty – CONTROL chakras and reach BEYOND kundalini power.
  • Mastery over oneself - No dependency on any person, system or organisation for spiritual advancement.
  • Benefit through Balance breathing.
  • Know the Unknown
Revealing techniques not known before.

Level I which is called as CENTA ZONE

***CENTA ZONE is Activating Pran Shakti from centre of Root Chakra and placing it on centre of head and let the Pran Shakti travel beyond cosmology. This has a Power 100cr Naam Jaap in one Sadhana***

Level II which is called as DELTA ZONE

***DELTA ZONE ZONE is Activating DELTA ê CENTA Zone . This has a Power 100cr * 100cr Naam Jaap in one Sadhana***

Level III which is called as PENTA ZONE

When Human stand leg and arms spread create Shape of a star – Activate the Power
Star is a combination of shape of Delta and Centa Uncountable

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Did Not Do" and "Could Not Do". Did not do are unforced undoers, could not do are forced undoers.

It is just a definition and mindset of different human beings. Our words reflet our inner world....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

We run our lives by strategies

We communicate with ourselves and other in verbal and non-verbal language. Our language is our life. What we can say is we think and we can do. Learning to understand and master the structure of our language is essential and important in the world where communication in all its various forms is the lifeblood of our personal and business welfare.
We put these patterns of thinking, language and behaviour together in a way which enable us to get the results which we do – good and bad. We run our lives by strategies in a specific way as computer, which runs by strategy. We give ourselves choice – choice to do more of the same or choice to enhance our potential. When we put thinking, behaviour and language pattern to help us to build up a strategy for everything we do – for making decisions, building relationships, inspiring and motivating others, creating balance in our life, starting up a business, coaching team, negotiating our way through the day and learning how to learn. We do not know what we do or how we do it, because that is the most critical pieces of our strategy are outside our conscious awareness. We can learn how to refine our existing strategies, discovering new ones and discarding that are redundant.
We can unpack not only conscious elements but especially unconscious ones, so that we can learn how we do, what we do. This allows us to do what we really want to do and achieve what we deserve.

Pain is the logical fundament of a mass body

This is a universal sentence, the body has pre-requisite feature, and likewise the experience of the pain is logical fundamental of the mass body. When we say mass body in the concept of PANINI, the mass body is the body which can be weighted. You can count in kilos or other parameters that means there are other bodies they are in the form of gases, vacuum, light, spectrum , sound etc all these bodies have different frequencies and cultures with different spectrum as different colors. When PANINI is talk about mass bodies it’s explain its fundamental features, which can be explained through small exercises. I will talk about this in detail sometimes later.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Excellence is context specific

Many business models failed because they assumed what works in one environment will work in another, so as the case of individuals. NLP is a means of coding excellence and enhancing what works for you and with your skills................